With experience across four continents, for multiple industries, our distribution center designs focus on space optimization (m2 and m3), improved product flow, work performances, and the planning and alignment of operations for optimum customer services. In addition, when required, we will support architect and contractor requirements for construction and for information systems the configuration of warehouse management systems (WMS).
With our clients we determine construction specifications for the new building height (below joists), column spacings, floor capacity and the quantity of docks/ramps. As well, we cover the overall m2 requirements for storage, aisles, work areas, and receiving/shipping. Our analysis considers projections for demand, inventory policy and customer service levels.
For a new site, we will recommend the size of the terrain and design the positioning of the building on the property. Planning considerations, include future building expansion, traffic flow, truck scales, parking, guard houses, and offices.
Considering demand projections, inventory levels and customer service requirements, our designs specify the quantity of docks and ramps, and areas (m2) for inventory storage, aisles, aisle spacings, receiving, shipping and staging. As well, we design an optimum usage of the existing terrain for truck flow, waiting areas, scales, parking and guard houses.
Using computer simulation, analysis and AutoCad systems, we group each stock keeping unit (SKU) into optimum fixed equipment profiles by A,B,C ranking, by slot type or/and by product family. Next, each SKU is positioned on the layout considering time requirements by work cycle. Calculations include travel time by linear foot by process within all areas of the layout. Some of the common processes include, receiving, staging, putaway, picking, letdown, pre-load staging and loading. The final deliverable, a designed optimum layout plan with specifications for receiving, storage, order preparation and shipping.
For a successful execution of the optimum layout plan, in support of customer service targets, we work with the client to introduce industry best practices.
Best Practices Include:
All our designs include an estimate of the project duration and costs. As well following a client request, we will develop a business case to support the project investment for the new facility and layout. Example of the business case may include, construction, fixed and mobile equipment, information systems (WMS) and transit of inventory from one facility to the next.
With our clients, we transform designs and opportunities off paper to real tangible benefits. For a new facility, we work hand in hand with architects and contractor(s) for the planning and execution of the overall project.
Short List of Lead Time Considerations for Planning Alignment:
In addition, our services include solicitation and assessment of quotations from equipment suppliers. On site we inspect equipment receipt and installation according to layout and operating specifications.
During and after the implementation, we offer conference room and on the floor training sessions for the execution of the new layout and operating model. Upon request, in support of the training we will prepare reference materials for the execution and maintenance of the design.
30 years
For a multinational client, in support of a new distribution network, designed and implemented multiple Distribution Centers, satellite warehouses and operating models.